Trees greater than 4” in diameter at chest height must have the Architectural Review Board (ARB) approval before removal. The gate has a list of approved ARB tree requests and tree companies will not be allowed into the neighborhood without prior approval. Homeowners should mark the tree(s) with a ribbon and take pictures of the tree(s) in question. This completed form and photos (attach additional documentation or explanation if necessary) can be dropped off at the front gate or submitted through this online form.
Removal due to dead, diseased, lightning strike, or leaning
● The ARB has contracted with an independent certified arborist who will review the request. The required fee must be submitted with the completed tree removal form and photos. Submitting the application gives the arborist permission to review the trees on site.
1-3 Trees $25.00
4-8 Trees $50.00
8+ Trees $75.00
● After reviewing the recommendation of the arborist, the ARB may request a landscape plan. A landscape plan, either from your own vendor or the arborist, will be required for any request of more than six trees.
● The arborist will submit a report of his findings to the ARB for a decision. If the homeowner disagrees with the arborist report they may submit their own certified arborist report for reconsideration by the ARB.
● In emergency situations, the ARB may make a decision regarding removal without the use of an arborist.
Removal for other reasons
● In the case of a new landscape plan, this request should be accompanied by a plan completed by an ISA-certified arborist or landscape architect. While not required, the ARB arborist can prepare a plan for the homeowner for a $250 fee.
General pruning does not require ARB approval.